Gombe National Park

Overview of the Destination

Gombe Stream National Park, the tiniest of Tanzania’s national parks, is a sliver of chimpanzee habitat on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, on the far western frontier of Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The park is well-known throughout the world thanks to Jane Goodall, a resident primatologist who spent many years in the park’s forests researching the behavior of the critically endangered chimpanzees. Through her work, Jane Goodall helped to advance Tanzania’s efforts to combine the protection of primate wildlife habitats with the growth of ecotourism and the beneficial participation of indigenous human communities. Both natural and human history are abundant in the park.

Attractions of Destination

See the location of Henry Stanley’s famous „Dr. Livingstone I presume“ at Ujiji near Kigoma and observe the renowned dhow builders at work. Go chimpanzee trekking, climbing, swimming, and snorkeling.

Climate of Destination

The chimps don’t travel far, so it can be easier to discover them during the rainy season (February to June, November to mid-December); the dry season offers better photographic opportunity (July-October and late December).

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